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波斯湾战争纪念馆 - The Class of 1991 donated an outdoor stone to those that served in the Persian Gulf War. 纪念馆位于J.W. 琼斯学生会和行政大楼.第二次世界大战纪念广场- B.D. 欧文斯图书馆,在学院公园大道和纪念大道的拐角处, two brick pillars display the names of 46 soldiers who served in the First World War. The plaques were initially displayed in 1919 by the Nodaway County Daughters of the American Revolution and were rededicated in their current location in 2006."Roll of Honor" - Valk Center - The 二战 Roll of Honor is now displayed in Valk Center. 这份名单上有1094个名字,其中35个有一颗金星. 金星表示军人在服役期间死亡.海军V-5/V-12战斗信息中心,熊猫体育场109室 - Several hundred men came to campus under the 海军 V-5 and V-12 programs from 1943-1945. A "Mark of Commendation" plaque is displayed on the Administration Building's third floor and 海军 Combat Information Center classroom is in 熊猫 Stadium,  109房间. The classroom was built thanks to donations from 校友, 包括内德和玛吉·毕晓普夫妇.海军V-5/V-12战斗信息中心,熊猫体育场109室 - Several hundred men came to campus under the 海军 V-5 and V-12 programs from 1943-1945. A "Mark of Commendation" plaque is displayed on the Administration Building's third floor and 海军 Combat Information Center classroom is in 熊猫 Stadium, #109.海军V-5/V-12作战信息中心, 熊猫体育场109室-一个水手展示他的海军V-12发型. Men enrolled in the V-12 program were training to become deck officers and took courses in physics, 化学, 数学, 前期, 历史, 政府, 英语和演讲. A "Mark of Commendation" plaque is displayed on the Administration Building's third floor and 海军 Combat Information Center classroom is in 熊猫 Stadium, #109."Roll of Honor" Valk - Northwest's sixth president, J.W. 琼斯站在行政大楼他的办公室外. 第二次世界大战荣誉榜显示在右边. 荣誉勋章现在显示在沃克中心.

自1905年成立以来, thousands of service men and women have called 和记棋牌娱乐 "home,即使只是暂时的. 有些人是作为学生或雇员来到玛丽维尔后参军的, while others enrolled or worked for the University after serving their country. 从1918年开始, 学生, 校友, 员工, and community members donated several memorials honoring United States service men and women.

校园战争纪念地点地图 查看PDF


In 1919 the Nodaway County Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution planted trees and raised money for brick pillars and plaques to display names of 46 soldiers who died in the First World War. In the 1970s, the pillars were removed during a street renovation project. 它们后来被重新安装,并于2006年11月10日正式投入使用. 纪念广场就在B的西边.D. 欧文斯图书馆,在学院公园大道和纪念大道的拐角处.


The class of 1948 gifted Northwest with a memorial bronze bell in honor of all soldiers who fought and died during 二战, especially those fallen soldiers who attended Northwest or who once lived in northwest Missouri. The bronze bell has since heralded Northwest achievements and celebrations and mournfully chimed to honor the passing of 学生. The 48年的钟声 is located near the 纪念钟楼 and is in the direct line of sight of the Administration Building. 

"荣誉榜" Valk中心

A large display in Valk Center features a number of memorial plaques honoring service men and women from the First World War, 二战, 朝鲜战争和越南战争. During the First World War a service flag was displayed outside the Administration Building. 从1917年7月开始,学生报纸, 绿白信使, encouraged readers to submit names of any 学生 involved in the war effort and published weekly additions to the "Roll of Honor.每个提交的名字都会在国旗上加一颗星. 战后, a bronze memorial plaque was displayed in the Administration Building with the names of five 学生 who lost their lives in the First World War.

荣誉榜的传统延续到第二次世界大战期间. Students and staff created a temporary memorial using an Administration Building bulletin board and encouraged anyone to submit additions. Names were added throughout the 1950s as veterans came to Northwest after the war. 目前的二战荣誉名单上有1094个名字. 名单上有35个名字,上面有金星. 金星表示该军人在服役期间死亡.

Korean and Vietnam War veterans were also honored with plaques from student groups. The later wars influenced Northwest enrollment numbers as more veterans sought to further their education under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, 更广为人知的是G.I. 比尔. 从1945年到1955年,西北地区的入学人数增加了两倍. 到1970年,和记棋牌娱乐的入学人数增加到5000人.


从1943年到1945年,西北港作为美国海军的海岸基地.S. 海军. The V-12 program trained deck officers and the V-5 program trained 海军 pilots, the programs were administered by Naval officers and taught by Northwest faculty. 这个项目改变了和记棋牌娱乐两年的面貌. 宿舍变成了海军人员的住所, Naval officers set up temporary offices in the library (now Wells Hall), 海军新兵加入了西北橄榄球队. 2003年10月, the Combat Information Center classroom was completed thanks to donations from a number of Northwest 校友, 包括内德和玛吉·毕晓普夫妇. The classroom is in remembrance of those who prepared for combat duty in the 海军 at Northwest.


位于西北校区的中心, the open-air 纪念钟楼 is an iconic structure that was completed in 1971 to memorialize 学生, 为国效力的教职员工和其他人员, 包括军队. 采用预制混凝土建造, 钟楼高100英尺,直径25英尺. It also features brass memorial plaques and an electronic carillon that plays at morning, 中午和晚上. University President Robert Foster announced his plan to build the Bell Tower in 1965 and it was completed entirely with funds donated by University 校友 and friends. In 2004, the Bell Tower underwent an extensive renovation that included structural repairs and improved handicapped accessibility.


Donated by the Class of 1991, an outdoor memorial stone lies next to the sidewalk between the J.W. 琼斯学生会和行政大楼. In 1990-1991, two Northwest 学生 in the ROTC program were called into active duty and others had family members called into service. Student organizations and community members held a number of events in support of troops involved in Operation Desert Storm, 包括在钟楼举行的黄丝带仪式. KDLX, 学生广播电台, 被选中每周发送一次, five-minute broadcasts covering local events to the Armed Forces Radio Network in Saudi Arabia.

For questions or inquiries about 和记棋牌娱乐's veteran memorials, 请联系大学档案馆:660.562.1974, nwarchives@v220149.com