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Smoking Cessation

Tobacco Cessation Websites

Become An EX

Become An EXEX is a whole new way to think about quitting smoking - it's about re-learning life without cigarettes. This site will help you learn how to do everything you currently do with a cigarette, but without one. The FREE EX plan is based on personal experiences from ex-smokers, as well as the latest scientific research from experts. Whether this is your first or your tenth quit attempt, this plan can help you quit smoking.

My Last Dip

My Last DipMyLastDip is a unique Web-based intervention that is designed to help chewing tobacco users quit. This site provides scientifically tested content that has proven effective in helping people quit their use of chewing tobacco. It is free to use.

Freedom from Smoking

An interactive online smoking cessation program from the American Lung Association.

Smoking Cessation Information

Missouri Tobacco Quit Line


The Missouri Tobacco Quit Line can help Missourians stop tobacco use. The Quit Line offers telephone counseling and resource materials to assist individuals who want to quit smoking.

When Smokers Quit… 查看PDF

Within 20 minutes of smoking the last cigarette, the body begins a series of changes that continues for years.

Helping Your Loved Ones Quit Smoking: Tips for Family and Friends 查看PDF

Tips for helping others in their efforts to quit tobacco use.

Info on Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Smoking Cessation Medication

Information from the American Lung Association on NRT (nicotine patches, gum, etc.) and medications that can assist in quitting tobacco use.

Useful Websites

American Cancer Society

Information on nicotine addiction, reasons to quit smoking, what to expect while quitting smoking, and resources to help quit.

Truth Initiative

Truth Initiative is America’s largest nonprofit public health organization dedicated to a future where tobacco and nicotine addiction are things of the past. Their mission is clear: achieve a culture where young people reject smoking, vaping, and nicotine.

American Lung Association

Information on quitting smoking, smoking and women, smoking and teens, smoking and minorities, secondhand smoke, and much more

Americans for Non-Smokers Rights

The only national lobbying organization dedicated to nonsmokers' right, taking on the tobacco industry at all levels of government to protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke and youth from tobacco addiction.

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

America's "largest non-government initiative ever launched to protect children from tobacco addiction and exposure to secondhand smoke.

Centers for Disease Control and 预防 (CDC) - Smoking and Tobacco Use

Includes Surgeon General's reports; research, data, and reports; information on how to quit; tips for teens and children; educational materials; news; and more.

Phillip Morris USA Document Site

Provides access to Company documents relating to the Attorneys General reimbursement lawsuits.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Provides links to government websites addressing health issues related to: cigarette smoking, resources to help quit smoking, Surgeon General reports, and treatment of tobacco dependence.

World Health Organization - Tobacco Free Initiative

The Tobacco Free Initiative: Answers the question 'Why is tobacco a public health priority?'

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