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New Venture Pitch Competition

*There will be no competition in 2024

2025 New Venture Pitch Competition

April 11th, 2025 | TBD

Northwest Missouri State University | Maryville, MO


新创业推介大赛为商学院学生和企业家提供了一个机会,让他们在竞争激烈的环境中向小企业主和投资者展示自己的想法. 这种经历也提供了一个与其他商业专业人士建立联系的宝贵机会.

“通过制定一份商业计划,提出一项全新的业务, 你必须考虑市场营销、人力资源、运营、财务和经济——所有这些都包含在其中,” Dr. Ben Blackford, the director of the Melvin D. and Valorie G. Booth School of Business, said. “Secondly, even if they don’t plan on starting a business, 他们得到了一个很好的演讲机会,因为评委们都是很棒的校友和社区成员,他们同意提供帮助, and they are the people who will be their bosses, their clients and their coworkers once they graduate.”

How does it work?

College students, high school students, 有兴趣在竞争激烈的环境中展示自己的商业理念的社区成员被邀请参加和记棋牌娱乐的新创业推介大赛.

The deadline to enter is April 1, 2025. The competition will take place April 11, 2025 on the third floor of the J. W. Jones Student Union on the Northwest campus.

该活动为学生和企业家提供了向专业人士展示想法的机会, small business owners, and other practitioners in the field. 它还为学生提供了与商业专业人士建立联系并获得演讲经验的机会.

和记棋牌娱乐新创业推介大赛旨在将未来或现在的企业家和小企业主聚集在一起,提供教育, informational, and networking opportunities.

Click the "Entry Form" tab to submit your entry. 

Deadline is April 1, 2025.

For additional information please contact:
School of Business
CH 2100
Maryville, MO 64468-6001
Phone: 660.562.1835


View printable version and scoring guide View PDF

I. Eligibility

The competition is open to three types of entries.

第一类是目前在认可的高等教育机构注册的所有学生, regardless of class status. 参加比赛的所有团队成员必须是认可机构的学生. 由团队开发的pitch中所呈现的企业只能参加一次竞赛,并且不得与目前正在运营的企业相关联.

The second type is current high school students. All members of the team must be currently enrolled in a recognized school. Teams must include at least two members and no more than five members. 由团队开发的pitch中所呈现的企业只能参加一次竞赛,并且不得与目前正在运营的企业相关联.

第三种类型是有兴趣在竞争环境中展示自己创业想法的社区成员. 所提出的企业必须是一个启动的想法,不能附属于目前正在运作的企业.

II. Entry

Entry instruction coming soon. The deadline is April 1.

空间有限,申请但不参加比赛将阻止其他团队有机会参加比赛. There is no entry fee for the competition.

III. Decisions and Changes to Rules

While no changes are expected, 竞赛监督委员会保留自行决定更改或澄清规则的权利. Every attempt will be made to comply with the published rules at all times. All decisions of the committee and judges are final.

IV. Confidentiality

将尽一切努力限制在比赛期间提出的想法的曝光, although this cannot be guaranteed. In addition, 比赛对公众开放,因此参赛队伍不应承担任何保密责任. Judges, staff, other competitors, 其他出席者也不会被要求签署保密协议. 如果答案被认为可能导致关键知识产权的泄露,那么拒绝回答问题的团队将不会受到处罚.

V. Waivers and Releases

The views expressed by the judges, competition committee, 所有与比赛相关的内容都是他们自己的,不代表和记棋牌娱乐的内容. 参加比赛的每个人都是自愿的,没有义务向参赛者提供建议或服务. 参赛者不承担因决定而产生的任何责任或义务, feedback, or advice rendered before, during, or after this competition.

VI. Competition Format

The competition will consist of three rounds of competition. The initial presentations will be one minute elevator pitches. Fifteen seconds will be allowed for transition between teams. Following the elevator pitch round, all participating teams will exhibit displays that explain their venture.

评委们将参观展品,并会见在电梯游说中给他们留下深刻印象的团队. 在展览环节之后,评委们将会面选出四名决赛选手. 进入决赛的四支队伍将再次亮相,评委将为每条赛道选出一名总冠军. During the final round, 团队将有10分钟的时间来展示他们的业务,然后是10分钟的问答&A. 参赛队伍应该为这种形式做好准备,并相应地组织他们的演讲,以便将他们演讲中最重要的部分传达给评委. 竞赛时间表将在提交截止日期后公布.

VII. Evaluation Criteria

团队将根据演示文稿的有效性和说服力进行评判, the innovativeness of the ideas, the quality of the ideas, the competitive advantage of the proposed businesses, effective discussion of financials, and the proposed management team. 虽然所有这些标准都会影响谁晋级并最终赢得比赛, the final decision will be based on the investment potential. 演示文稿不能包含虚构的信息,包括(但不限于)产品开发阶段, experience of members involved, or market research. Student teams will be evaluated using the same criteria, 但在这个背景下,这是一种学习经验,可以帮助他们提高,并特别关注创新企业.


VIII. Disclosure Statement

Presentations do not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any securities of these Corporations, companies or sole proprietorships. Such an offer or solicitation, if and when made, 是否只能通过在证券交易委员会(以及适用的州证券监管机构)注册的发行或根据可获得的此类注册豁免进行发行.

Event Prizes


1st - $2,500

2nd - $1,500

3rd - $1,000

*Prizes are subject to change